Australian Pine, Casuarina, She-Oak tree seeds & cones 4 sale here OZ online $4 + p/p Also have trees in grow bags.

The Casuarina tree is also known as the Australian pine, ironwood, beefwood, she-oak and horsetail tree.

These cones from this pine tree are often used in Bonsai tree work in creating an interesting feature for your Bonsai tree sculpture project

The cones around the size of a small grape are $4 per 10 cones and extra $4 per order to cover pack/post.

Australian pine seeds are $4 per 10 seeds & add $4 pack/post charges to your order

If seeds & cones are bought together combined postage applies


The Casuarina’s natural range is tropical and subtropical seacoasts from Malaysia to Australia, Micronesia, Melanesia, the Philippine islands, and Polynesia.


Its introduced range is Hawaii, Florida, Puerto Rico, the Bahamas, and numerous islands of the Caribbean. It is now common on frost-free coastlines almost anywhere in the world.

These Casuarina Australian Pine Seeds & cones can be used in making fantastic bonsai projects

The Casuarina is a deciduous tree with a soft, wispy, pine-like appearance that can grow to 100 feet or more in height. It looks very similar to the conifer because of its small, round, cone-like fruits and its branchlets of scale-like leaves that look like pine needles. Its flowers are tiny, brown and wind-pollinated. The fruit is a nutlet about ½ inch in diameter that contains winged seeds.


The Casuarina’s natural habitat includes foreshore dune fields and sandy flats, exposed sand bars, rocky strands, cleared and disturbed land, roadsides, and vacant lots.


It is able to tolerate a wide range of soil types, but it prefers coarse-textured soils such as the dry, highly-saline calcareous soils of sandy beaches and the relatively young nutrient-poor soils developed on weathered volcanic flows. It is very tolerant of salt and salt spray such as would be found on a windward-facing beach. The tree grows rapidly in hot weather and is able to tolerate annual temperatures as high as 30 degrees C.


The Casuarina has a spreading, fibrous roots system that is capable of penetrating very deeply into any soil. It forms a dense mat of thick aggressive adventitious roots that can take up large quantities of groundwater. The root fibers are also able to form a symbiotic relationship with the nitrogen-fixing bacteria (actinobacteria Frankia sp). This association results in the formation of nitrogen-fixing root nodules, which enables the Casuarina to colonize immature, nutrient-poor soils

The Casuarina trees I have for sale are covered elsewhere in this site as well as www sunblestproducts com
I only have 2 of these trees standing around 2 metres in 100 litre bags.
They are $220 each or the pair for $400. Call me if you are interested.

Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE

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Author: Henry