Variety of prickly pear to 8 feet or so, has yellow flowers in summer, followed by red edible fruit. Good for containers or dry landscapes. Full sun, any soil, infrequent water once established.
This cactus plant is like a dragon fruit harvest.The plant had few prickles not like the weed prickly pear plant which is related but not the same.
The red fruits you see in my adverts are actual fruits that i harvested cut & ate. Grown here at the Fraser Coast Queensland.
I saved some seeds for you to try yourself.These are very delicious fruits.
The seeds are offered for sale at $4 per 5.Please add $4 pack/post to the order.
at $10 each plus pack/post of $10 if under half kilo.
An American woman who saw them at my place said she remembers as a child eating them & is now missing them.She bought some slab pad cuttings to grow herself.. She left with a smile on her happy face. Great to see.
She also said that back in the USA they used to call them cactus steaks because the ranchers & cowboys would get the slabs of fruit cactus & barbecue them like steaks. They also use the cactus flesh to make salads.
I grow these plants here & harvest them as buyers require them.
- I will post separately info & images about the cactus steak pads
Some great videos below on growing red cactus pears commercially
Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE