The most complete info Video guide for starting tomatoes & peppers indoors to harvesting

See My Pinned Comment for Discounts and Seed Starting Supplies. Subscribe & get alerts. I make 150 videos a year starting with seed starting indoors in January, followed by direct seeding, transplanting, making soil, composting, organic fertilizers, tending, pest management, DIY sprays, harvesting and so much more. Here is my new Indoor Seed Starting Playlist for 2023, It covers all aspects of seed starting indoors:   

 • 2023 Garden Seed Starting & Transplan…   Time Stamp Table of Contents. This is probably the most complete guide on YT for starting tomatoes and peppers indoors, through harvesting them and all the steps in between. Every step can be found. Just click the section you want. I cover all aspects of seed starting, all aspects of taking care of transplants, all aspects of planting and tending, how to mange pests & diseases, how to save seeds and I show you an entire year’s growth of these plants.

Tomato and chili sauce, jam, confiture in a glass jar on a grey stone background.

Yes I have an extensive range of Tomato & Chillie Pepper seeds 4 Sale

Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE    

Author: Henry