Did you know that planting cucumber seeds in the middle summer is one of the easiest, fastest and best ways to grow your biggest crop of cucumbers ever?
Not only will replanting seeds in the middle of the garden season allow you to enjoy fresh cucumbers well into late fall, summer planted cucumber plants actually have a much higher success rate than spring planted cucumbers when it comes to production. And they are also less prone to disease and pests!
Cucumbers are usually one of the first crops to go in the ground in the spring. But spring weather can often be tough on the plants. Cool, wet weather can put cucumber plants in danger of mildew and disease. And early season pests like slugs and cucumber beetles can also wreak havoc as well.
Cucumbers are one of the easiest plants to grow from seed. Especially in the warm summer soil – which can have them germinating in just a few days!
Unfortunately, because of all those issues, gardeners often find their spring planted cucumbers beginning to struggle by mid summer. Plants that were producing in late May and June often begin to fade by July. But that is exactly where planting a second crop by seed can save the day!
Replanting seeds in the summer is the perfect way to keep your cucumber harvest coming on. And as you will see below, it couldn’t be easier to do! With that in mind, here is a look at the advantages of replanting cucumber seeds in the summer – and how to plant for a successful late summer and fall harvest.
How & Why To Plant Cucumber Seeds In The Summer
The Advantages Of Planting Cucumbers In The Summer
One thing is for sure, it’s a lot easier and cheaper to start cucumbers via seeds in the summer than trying to raise your own transplants – or purchase them in a store.
For starters, it can be hard to find cucumber plants in the middle of summer. Most nurseries raise vegetable plants for spring selling, and when they sell out, that’s it. But when you consider how fast cucumber seeds sprout and grow in the warm summer soil, planting from seed is the best way to grow!
The warm soil and humid air temperatures of summer are ideal for getting cucumber seeds to germinate quickly. And not only do they sprout fast – once they break through the soil, they also grow quicker too.
It doesn’t take cucumbers long to go from a seed to a fruit producing plant, especially when the soil and air are both warm.
Cucumber plants are already one of the quickest-maturing vegetable plants around. The time between planting seeds and harvesting is usually somewhere between 55 to 70 days depending on the variety. But in the summer, that time can even be faster due to the warmer conditions.
And all of that warmth has one more big benefit – it makes it far less likely for mold or mildew to occur on your plants. The cool and wet conditions of spring make it easy for mildew and mold to start. But it just isn’t an issue when the crop is planted during the hot summer months.
Dealing With Far Fewer Pests
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, planting cucumbers in the summer also puts your plants at far less risk of pest attacks. Especially when it comes to the dreaded cucumber beetle!
Cucumber plants are a favorite of the cucumber beetle. These pests can easily destroy a crop in no time at all – and they spare nothing. In fact, the foliage, flowers, and fruit are all fair game when it comes to hungry cucumber beetles. (See: How To Battle Cucumber Beetles – And Win!)
Not only do cucumber beetles feast on plant tissue, but they can also transmit bacterial wilt as well. This disease is most often completely fatal to cucumber plants. Sadly, when most cucumber plants begin to die back in late June or early July – bacterial wilt is usually the culprit.
Cucumber beetles not only attack the foliage and flowers of cucumber plants – but their bite can also transmit bacterial wilt, which is usually fatal to the plant.
Yes I also have African horn cucumber seeds for sale
Most cucumber beetles arrive in late May and June which just happens to be the perfect time for them to feast on young cucumber plants! But here is the good news, by planting seeds in July – the cucumber beetles have moved on to another food source by this time – and they won’t bother your new plants as they sprout through the ground.
Last but not least, cucumbers usually produce higher yields in the summer. This is because the native pollinators are usually more abundant as opposed to earlier in the season. And with more pollinators flying about – it’s more likely to have flowers turn to fruit!
Selecting Your Seeds – How To Plant Cucumber Seeds In The Summer
When planting in the summer, it’s better to select cucumber varieties that have a fast seed to fruit time. With limited time left before fall arrives, short-season varieties will give you the best chance for a bigger harvest.
Spacemaster, Early Pride and Straight Eight are all excellent varieties for summer planting. They all can produce cucumbers in under 60 days, making them ideal choices.
Quite often, cucumbers growing in the spring struggle with pollination. But as summer hits full stride, populations of pollinating insects are at their peak.
When planting in the summer, mix in equal parts of compost with existing garden soil to your planting area. This will help recharge the soil from prior crops and help hold moisture in. That will aid in both faster germinating times and better early growth.
To help speed up germination, soak your cucumber seeds in water overnight before planting. This little tip can actually help cucumbers sprout in mere days!
Proper Watering
West Indian Gherkin Cucumbers.< Yes I have these seeds for sale as well
Proper watering is extremely important for cucumbers, especially in warmer summer months. Water seedlings daily until they sprout. Cucumbers need one to two inches of water per week in the summer for good production. Mulching will aid in holding in moisture, but keep plants hydrated to battle hot and dry conditions.
Here is to planting a second crop of cucumbers with seed this summer – and to ensuring a banner harvest from late spring to late fall!
Simple Garden Life is a website dedicated to keeping gardening fun, simple and enjoyable! We publish two new articles each week along with a new garden podcast episode every two weeks.