These are fascinating videos on these huge tropical fruits. Lots of great info also

These enormous tasty fruits are related to the Durian & Breadfruit trees

These videos just show you what size these tropical fruits are.Enjoy & Share > others

Lady harvests the fruit & takes to an Asian market

One fruit feeds several people

Harvesting tropical fruits can be fun

Health Benefits of Jackfruit

Medically Reviewed by Kathleen M. Zelman, RD, LD, MPH on June 14, 2021
The largest tree fruit in the world, jackfruit — sometimes called “jak fruit” or “jak” — can be up to 3 feet long and 20 inches wide. Just one fruit can weigh as much as 110 pounds. But you’re not alone if you haven’t heard of it.While jackfruit first appeared in the rain forests of India, farmers now grow it in many parts of the world, including Thailand, Australia, Africa, Brazil, and the Philippines. Only in recent years has jackfruit started to become well known in the U.S.The rind of a jackfruit is green or yellow and spikey. Although it gives off a smell of rotting onions when it’s ripe and ready to eat, the pulp inside smells and tastes far better: like a cross between pineapple and bananas. You can eat the seeds, too. And a jackfruit has plenty of them — up to 500. Each can reach an inch and a half in length.

There are two main types of jackfruit. One is small and mushy. It tastes sweet, but it’s slimy. The other type of jackfruit has crisp, crunchy flesh that’s not as sweet.

One cup of sliced raw jackfruit has:

Jackfruit may be higher in some vitamins and minerals than apples, apricots, bananas, and avocados. For example, it’s rich in vitamin C and one of the few fruits that’s high in B vitamins.

Jackfruit also contains folate, niacin, riboflavin, potassium, and magnesium.

Carotenoids, the pigments that give jackfruit its yellow color, are high in vitamin A. Like all antioxidants, carotenoids protect cells from damage and help your body work right. They may help prevent diseases like cancer and heart disease, as well as eye problems like cataracts and macular degeneration.

As a jackfruit ripens, its carotenoid levels may go up.

Jackfruit also contains many other antioxidants that can help delay or prevent cell damage in your body. While the inside flesh is high in these disease-fighting compounds, the seeds may contain even more.

The nutrients in jackfruit may help lower your risk for some health issues, including:

Constipation. Jackfruit is a good source of fiber, so it could help you feel fuller for longer and help keep your bowel movements regular.Ulcers. The natural chemicals in jackfruit may help prevent these sores from forming inside your stomach.Diabetes. Your body digests and absorbs jackfruit more slowly than some other foods. That means your blood sugar won’t rise as quickly as it might when you eat other fruits. One study found that jackfruit extract made it easier for people with diabetes to control their blood sugar.

High blood pressure. The potassium in this tropical fruit could help lower your blood pressure, which can help stave off heart disease, stroke, and bone loss.

Skin problems. The high amounts of vitamin C in jackfruit may help protect your skin from sun damage. You need plenty of that nutrient to keep your skin firm and strong.

Cancer.Phytonutrients, like those found in jackfruit, are natural compounds that might have cancer-fighting benefits, such as preventing cancer cells from forming in your body.

While a jackfruit allergy is rare, you’re at higher risk if you have a birch pollen allergy. This means that you have an itchy mouth or swollen lips when you eat other foods in this group such as apples, almonds, carrots, celery, cherries, and hazelnuts.

Jackfruit isn’t easy to peel because of its sticky sap. To keep it from gumming up your knife and hands, rub them with cooking oil before you slice open your fruit. Once you do, it will take time to separate the fleshy bulbs you can eat from tough strips of membrane, which you can’t. You’ll then have to remove the seeds from each bulb.

You may prefer to eat jackfruit before it’s fully ripe and the rind starts to smell like spoiled onions. If you cut it into chunks and boil them in salted water until they’re tender, you can easily slice the meaty flesh from the rind. You can roast or boil the seeds like chestnuts.

If you don’t want to prepare your own jackfruit, look for canned or ready-to-eat jackfruit at the store. You can find it seasoned with a savory BBQ or teriyaki sauce. Some people use these as a meat substitute. You can also get it preserved in a sweet, heavy syrup like other canned fruits.

Once a jackfruit’s ripe, it will turn brown and go bad quickly. To keep yours fresh, store it in the refrigerator. When kept cool and dry, a ripe jackfruit can last up to 6 weeks.


Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE    

Author: Henry