Solanum mammosum Cow’s Udder Nipple Fruit Apple of Sodom Flesh for sale here Qld OZ. $15 per 10 grammes.Add $4 pack/post to order. Cuttings also available.Just ask $8 each plus pack/post Not fussy about soil.Water regularly if you want more fruits. Seeds may take a few months to germinate.· 2-4″ bright yellow fruit grown as an ornamental, for its odd shape. .
The nipple fruit is related to the naranjilla and tomato, and the plant looks similar. Large velvety leaves have purple veins and furry hair, along with prominent spikes. The branches and stems are also dotted with firm thorns. The pink-purple flowers develop are followed by the waxy, yellow colored fruit ripening a few months later. Fruits are fleshy, poisonous, and contain several seeds. This is an ornamental shrub to around 1 metre.
Solanum mammosum is commonly known as nipplefruit, fox head,cow’s udder, or apple of Sodom, is an inedible Pan-American tropical fruit. The plant is grown for ornamental purposes, in part because of the distal end of the fruit’s resemblance to a human breast, while the proximal end looks like a cow’s udder.The plant a relative of the eggplant, tomato, and potato.
Flower and stem
Hairy thorns cover the stem and branches of the plant. The inflorescence contains five to eight purple elongating buds. The fruit is a berry type, and has waxy yellow skin with reddish-brown seeds. The plant is propagated by the distribution of seeds.
Sometimes you just have to laugh at what Mother Nature’s accomplishments. I mean, just look at the photo of this strange fruit. It just looks ridiculous!
To point out the obvious, the central part of yellow fruit resembles a human breast, at fact clearly not lost on the botanists who named it (what do you think mammosum means if not “bearing big breasts”?). However, it also has satellite fruits, usually 5 in number, giving the effect of a cow’s udder.
This has led to a wide range of common names: not just nipple fruit, but also cow’s udder, titty fruit, love apple and apple of Sodom.
This plant has a slew of names in languages all over the world. Nursemaid (chichigua) in Central America; fox face (フォックスフェイス) in Japan, pig face fruit in South Africa, for example. New Year’s display of bright orange fruits of Nipple fruit in Hong Kong market.
In China, the nipple-fruit is best known as five fingered eggplant (五指茄). There, and throughout much of Asia, the nipple-fruit seen as a good luck charm. The golden color of fruit is considered very auspicious, assuring wealth and riches, while the five “fingers” on the fruit represent the longevity of the family: five generations of young and old all living together in good health. The nipple-fruit is grown by the millions in China as a decoration for Chinese New Year celebrations.
It’s a branching, shrub like plant, up around 2 to 6 feet (60 cm to 2 m) tall and wide, with serious spines on its stems,leaves and petioles. . Flower of nipple fruit looks lie a tomato bloom & look much like tomato blossoms, only larger.
The flowers bear five light purple, back-arching petals and a prominent yellow stamen tube. They look just like an overgrown tomato flower and appear in clusters along the branches. The strange waxy,2 to 4 inch (4 to 10 cm) long fruits ripen in late summer.
Fruits can be harvested, cleaned and dried to produce future generations of the plant.
Edible and Medicinal Uses
The mature fruit is poisonous, but in some areas, the immature fruit is eaten after cooking and contains vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Even the leaves are sometimes consumed.
It’s employed all over the world to treat a whole range of disorders from asthma to athlete’s foot.
The soapy juice of the fruit has also been used to wash clothes.The plant’s toxic nature can also make it useful. Useful for many reasons .It’s used as an insecticide and also as a fish stupefying plant.
I also have the seeds for sale as well. Plants available soon. HENRY
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