These seeds are offered for sale at $4 per 10.Add $4 to the order to cover pack/post charges I will need your name & mailing address after I give you my bank details

This winter-hardy heirloom is a distinctive black colour on the outside with a milky white and tender interior that packs a bit of bite.

It has large turnip-shaped 8-10cm (3-4″) diameter globes with deep black skins over solid, crisp, pungent, pure-white flesh.

This variety was introduced before 1824, and is listed in some old seed catalogues as Noir Gros Rond d’Hiver.

Growing Notes

Radishes can be grown all season but they’re easiest during early autumn and spring, avoid extreme hot weather days though. Sow direct 12 mm deep and then thin seedlings to 2.5 – 5 cm apart. Keep the row short and sow small crops every 2 to 3 weeks for continual harvest over months. Keep soil moist to avoid toughness.

Radish is usually eaten raw, harvest while young and tender. Radish can be inter-planted with other crops such as carrots or beetroot for a fast harvest.

Harvest promptly when radishes are the size of large marbles. Leaves and developing seedpods are also tasty.

Plant radishes near beans, beets, celeriac, chervil, cucumber, lettuce, mint, parsnip, peas, spinach, squash, and tomatoes. Avoid planting near agastache or potatoes. It is said that planting 3 or 4 icicle radishes around the mound where you plant squash, and allowing them to grow and bloom, will prevent most pests of squash and cucumber. 

Henry Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE

Author: Henry