Queensland silver wattle [Mt Morgan wattle] tree seeds for sale here.$4 per 10 seeds.Add $4 pack/post charge
The Queensland Silver Wattle Acacia podalyriifolia is one of our best and most spectacular Australian wild flowers.
It flowers during winter and is incandescent with bloom. But there is a precaution that goes with growing this plant outside of its natural range of south eastern Queensland. It grows quickly and, like most wattles, seeds profusely.
The Australian Plant Society recommends that if grown it should not be planted next door to bush land because the seeds are very viable and have the potential to invade. But as a garden plant it’s really willing to please. It’s one of the few wattles to prune hard – pruning the plant can make it bushy and more attractive. And it will also remove the seeds, eliminating one of the risks of the plant becoming a weed.
A two year old seedling can grow quickly to become promiscuous and flower within that time. But what a sweet, distinct and delicious fragrance it has.
After flowering, the Queensland Silver Wattle produces seed and these have a mutually beneficial relationship with ants. Each seed has a nutritious treat attached to it. The ants take the seed, with the treat, into their nests. Once the treat is eaten, the seed is already sown, and it waits for a bushfire to come along and bingo – a woodland of Queensland Silver Wattles.
To enjoy a Queensland Silver Wattle plant it in ordinary soil, with full sun, or even a little shade. Enjoy the plant as a shrub or small tree for a number of years, probably 10 or 12. During that time they’ll grow about 6 metres high and 6 metres wide which is ideal for a small city garden.
If you’re an asthmatic there is another precaution that goes with growing wattles. The amount of pollen they produce can cause an allergic reaction.
This means it’s important to think about where to grow the Queensland Silver Wattle and who will enjoy it. With those precautions in mind, there is no reason why the Queensland Silver Wattle cannot be enjoyed in most city gardens, and what a spectacular sight it is. Henry
Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE