THESE RARE PALMS HAVE JUST COME IN & ONLY 10 OF THEM IN 10 & 12 INCH POTS. Buy the 10 at $55each. They will be potted on into 45 litre grow0bags soon & the price will go up accordingly to $78 & $138 each., Freight is extra.
very closely related to Dypsis madagascariensis. a solitary trunk w/ bright green stripes, turning to grey once older. leaves grow in rows of three. prefers sun to partial shade and lots of water. do not allow to dry out between waterings.
A very handsome, medium sized, clumping (usually just 2-4 trunks) or solitary palm (which was known as D. lucubensis), to about 15m, with a thick, closely ringed trunk. It has a tristichous leaf arrangement, long thin leaflets, and slightly plumose leaves.
There are a couple of well known horticultural varieties of this species.
The solitary form was previously known as Dypsis lucubensis ,although it could occasionally have 2 trunks.
And there is the variety ‘Diego’ (Figure 3) (which refers to the area it was collected from) which is typically smaller than the standard form. It has a whitish colouring on the main stems and up into the crownshaft, and it holds it’s leaflets erect where all the other forms always have the ends of the leaflet drooping.
Sunny, well drained position. A fast growing palm which does well in cultivation
Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE