How To Use Epsom Salts In the Garden.Guide info Article & 4 Videos

Epsom salt is one of the best kept secrets in the world of gardening. This ancient remedy can turn you into a pro level gardener with its nutrient rich composition.

Today we are going to dive deep into this subject matter. At the end of our today’s discussion, you will gain a clear understanding about the ways in which Epsom salt can help in your daily gardening.

Watering Plants Using Epsom Salts

Epsom salts can be used as an excellent substitute of normal watering. You can try it out between one to two times a month. But prior to starting with the application of Epsom salt, you need to test your soil. The main motive of this examination will be to find out the magnesium deficiency level of your garden soil.

Planting tomato seedlings

Various plants such as leafy vegetables and beans can suffice themselves even in low magnesium level. But plants like peppers, tomatoes and rose are highly magnesium dependent. This is why, such plants need to be frequently watered using Epsom salt. On being diluted with water, plants can easily take up Epsom salts. All you need to do is sprinkle it over your garden using a foliar spray.

2 tablespoons of Epsom salt when mixed with one gallon of water serves as an excellent alternative to normal watering. You can try it out once a month for best results. But if you have a habit of frequently watering your soil, then you can use one tablespoon of Epsom salt.YOUR ROSE BUSHES LOVE IT

Pink roses

A Better Start For The Seeds

Magnesium can boost up seed germination by adding to the strength meter of cellular walls. This in turn adds up to the energy meter which is necessary for proper growth of plants. Plants tend to lose sulphur during germination process. You can counteract the same by mixing one tablespoon Epsom salt with one gallon water and spraying it on the soil after seeding.

A tablespoon of Epsom salt can also be mixed into the hole prior to planting seeds. In the case of wildflowers and grass seeds, you need to sprinkle a cup of Epsom salt every 100 square feet. This has to be properly blended and watered in a through fashion. An Epsom salt drench needs to be reapplied to the seedlings every month.

Averts Root Shock

Transplanted roots require tender care. Leaf discoloration and wilting is caused by root shock. You can prevent the same by mixing one tablespoon Epsom salt with one gallon water. This has to be applied to the roots of freshly re-potted plants unless they become saturated. Alternatively, you can add two teaspoons of dry salts into the hole prior to transplanting brush or flowers.

Removes Tree Stumps

Availing professional removal services can be pretty expensive. The cost depends to a large extent on the trunk size. But you can also opt for a DIY route by using Epsom salt. For this, you need to first bore holes around the top position of the stump. You can do this using an electric ½-inch drill bit.

The holes need to be spaced a few inches apart. You can pour Epsom salts in the holes and add in water. Your intention here should be to moisten the salt without saturating the same. The stump can be covered using a trap. This will repel rain and also keep the salt adequately dry. The salts will tend to bring along a dehydrating effect. It thus becomes easy to chip away large portions of the stump using an axe.

Epsom salt

Healing The Houseplants

The pH neutral Epsom salts levy pretty gentle effect on plants. This also holds true for potted houseplants. You just need to mix two tablespoons of this salt with a gallon of water for boosting up the nutrient intake of plants. This should be sprayed on the leaves and not just the roots if you wish to enhance its absorption more. The salt can also be added directly to the soil

Naturally Preventing Pest Infestation

Snails and slugs are infamous for wreaking havoc on your garden soil. You can banish these pests by using Epsom salt in the place of plain table salt. This can both dehydrate and kill the pests while boosting up the health of the roots and blooms. Gardeners can mix a cup of Epsom salt in five gallons of water. This mixture needs to be sprayed onto the foliage for general pest control.

Boosting Up The Flavour

Don’t we all wish to have a garden filled with lush berries and tasty vegetables? Epsom salt can help you attain the same if you use it diligently during growing season. GREAT FOR USE ON PEPPERS & TOMATOES

Peppers growing

For this, you will have to mix one tablespoon of the salt into one gallon of water. The mixture should be liberally applied over the roots of your garden plants. Alternatively, you can sprinkle two tablespoons of dried salts three times a year. This needs to be done over a root-bed area of nine-feet.

The same can also be said about tomatoes and sweet peppers which can benefit immensely from the addition of Epsom salt.

For this you need to add two tablespoons of Epsom salt to the holes before planting the seeds. A foliar spray can also be used for spraying in the mixture once a month during the growing season.


Epsom salt can drastically enhance the green colour of plants. They are also helpful in improving flower blooming. With continuous use, your plants are going to become bushier. Hydrated magnesium sulphate is the chief constituent of Epsom salt. This is extremely necessary in ensuring healthy growth of plants.

So, try out Epsom salt in your daily gardening and get ready to bask in compliments. Hydrated magnesium sulphate also prepares the plants for a better intake of nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen.


Aphids on leaf

This also adds inertia to creation of chlorophyll which is essential for photosynthesis. So, try it out today and get ready to be bemused at its potential. Henry

Author: Henry