Antidesma erostre (native currant)
Antidesma erostre . Philippine bignay & bugnay
Wild Currant is a small tropical shrub native to north Queensland and New Guinea. Its berries are tart and cranberry-like when young, but develop into dark, sweet fruit as they mature.
Studies indicate that the phytochemicals in the fruit have natural pesticide properties, and have been proven effective against Epilachna beetles.
In late Summer, Wild Currant berries grow in large, grape-like clusters and ripen unevenly — creating a spectacular ornamental display.
Berries start out a pinkish white and darken to red and black as their sweet flavours develop. They can be enjoyed raw or used in jams, jellies, sour sauces, syrups, desserts and wines.
Fruits may be harvested regularly as the berries ripen. They keep well in the freezer, making it easy to gradually accumulate a desired quantity for cooking.
For best results, we recommend buying two Wild Currant plants (one male, one female) to increase the chances of fruiting, but anecdotal observations suggest female Wild Currants can fruit prolifically on their own.
Wild Currant is a hardy plant that handles a range of soil types and will weather light frosts and winds — however its ideal growing conditions are rich, fertile soil and warm, sunny climes.
This species grows small, around 2 to 3 metres in height.
With its dark green, glossy leaves, it makes an attractive ornamental plant in the garden or in a pot.
Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE