The African sausage tree is valued greatly in the African continent, especially south Africa for its many uses of its fruits in particular.
Besides posting my own input knowledge gained over the years from my buyers of the fruits, i will do more research on the topic & present it to you to assess researched knowledge on its merits
Some of its uses told to me by my buyers & elsewhere are:-
Brewing beer aid
Skin treatment lotion
Breast enlargement enhancer
Health tonic
Food for African plain animals
More uses of this tree will be added when further applications unfold
The purpose of this posting is to keep you informed.
Specifically however is to do the research to help produce an extract from the fruit after it is dissected, seeds removed & gently heated in distilled water to produce a wine coloured liquid from its colourless internal flesh. [When the fruit is not aged] Mature fruit are also used after aging which has a reddish brown colouration.
There are several types of Kagilia Africana fruit products on the market which I will deliver to you as time allows,
In the meantime, I will post images of the trees with its components together with images of the treated fruit as we move forward.
Below are some images I have taken in the heating process of the Kagilia fruits
Any ?? or if buying/contributing article, contact me HERE