HIBISCUS FLOWERS 4 SALE HERE QLD OZ.Treatment for dementia?? The 10 flowers are on offer for $15 per 5 grammes when weighed fresh.
Weight will vary after being dried.

The disrupted, poor-quality sleep seen in sleep disorders leads to both acute and chronically worsening changes in the brain. Normally, a good night’s sleep literally allows for repair and restoration of brain function to the levels seen at the beginning of the prior day.”
A hibiscus compound may help remove toxic plaque build-up in Alzheimer’s
Might a hibiscus flower compound help fight Alzheimer’s disease?

Accumulation of toxic aggregates of the beta-amyloid proteins in certain brain regions is often linked to the decline in cognitive function characteristic of Alzheimer’s disease.
Studies suggest that impaired clearance or removal of beta-amyloid may contribute to the accumulation of beta-amyloid in Alzheimer’s disease
– Dr. David Merrill
Quality sleepTrusted Source includes periods of non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM) and REM sleep. These cycle throughout the night, with the deepest sleep occurring during one of the stages of NREM sleep.
According to one study, low-frequency brain waves during the deep NREM sleep clear the brain of the Alzheimer’s-related toxins beta-amyloid and tau. These low-frequency brain waves give a pulse of cerebrospinal fluid, which carries the toxins away.
If sleep is disturbed, brain waste, such as beta-amyloid and tau, may start to build up, eventually forming the plaques and tangles characteristic of Alzheimer’s. Accumulation of beta-amyloid and tau may begin 10-20 years before dementia symptoms become noticeable.
Dr. Porsteinsson explained: “When you sleep, the brain ‘shrinks,’ which appears to open up [the] flow of cerebrospinal fluid that flushes out toxic byproducts such as [beta-amyloid] 42 and p-tau. The brain also resets its balance (homeostasisTrusted Source) during sleep. The quality of sleep and how much time you spend in deep-sleep matters here as well.”

Sleep apnea and dementia
Sleep apnea affects almost 1 billion Trusted Source people worldwide, the most common form being obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The condition interrupts breathing during sleep and often wakes a person up.
People with sleep apnea are at increased risk of several health conditions Trusted Source, such as asthma, cardiovascular problems, atrial fibrillation, and cancer. Recent studies have also suggested links between sleep apnea and dementia.
“Sleep apnea is one health condition increasingly known to be a risk factor for dementia. A person with sleep apnea stops breathing during sleep. […] This leads to potentially dangerous drops in the nocturnal oxygenation of the brain.”
– Dr. David Merrill

This hypoxia [Trusted Source] is thought to cause brain changes. One study found that the temporal lobes — which are vital for memory — were reduced in thickness in those with sleep apnea, a change that is also seen in people with dementia.
Another study found that the hippocampus was reduced in volume in people with sleep apnea — hippocampal atrophy is a feature of Alzheimer’s disease

This study also showed that two toxins — tau and beta-amyloid, which are thought to be responsible for many of the symptoms of dementia — build up in the brains of people with sleep apnea, probably because of a lack of oxygen in the blood. the assortment in the pics are some of what I have but not all are offered for sale.
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