This radium cancer weed plant has been used for many years for its medicinal uses in removing cancers,warts & growths and many peoples have attested to its success. Euphorbia Peplus- Botanical name
The seeds are offered for sale at $14 per 10 seeds + OZ p/p of $4 to order
If buying salve pay $28 plus $20 pack/post
The following are examples of research findings & personal accounts of its success. Only part of the cancer treatment success here.View MORE below.
Contrary to much published information, Radium weed will grow in full sun as well as part shade.
A shady area will produce a taller plant with softer branch tissue and a deeper green colour.
Full sun produces a sturdier plant, lighter in colour, often shorter and higher in sap content.
In most temperate climates it will grow throughout the year but does best in full summer if it is watered often.
The seed is best sown into loosely raked soil, covered lightly and then just left to germinate in it’s own time.
The plant reaches full maturity in 3 months, so buying a potted plant is not the best alternative as often ‘past’ it’s best time.
Always allow some plants to remain untouched to ensure that self seeding can occur.
The root system is fine and dense but not deep, so water frequently but not heavily.
Remember that the plants are always happier without too much attention.
In temperate climates, the plant will happily grow during all seasons, but in areas where cold winters and snow are common it can be grown under lights, indoors.
It will need at least 8 – 10 hours of light per day or it will become thin and ‘leggy’ thus producing too few branches to be of any great use.
Water well and often but allow the pot to drain well. They are not ‘bog plants’.
Radium weed thrives in slightly to very alkaline soil, and the sandier the better.
It does not need fertilizer but the occasional seaweed emulsion will keep it happy.
As a weed, it enhances the soil, rather than consume as do most agri-crops.
Do not mulch the plant as this will cause weak stems and make it struggle.
Constant harvesting of the leaves will ensure a continual supply and will encourage the plant to spread.
Radium Weed Health Benefits, Properties, and Uses
Properties: Anti-cancer, Detoxifier, Laxative, Purgative, Tonic, Expectorant, Diaphoretic, Anti-tumor
What is Radium Weed?
Re: Radium weed and skin cancer…
Well I do not know if my experience counts.
but while i was in NZ for a couple of years, I dicovered, that there was tonnes of this weed in the garden, and I decided to put it to the test. I should point out that I have worked in the horticultural industry for 20 years, specialising in propagation, and had developed a sensitivity to the Euphorbia sap and also sap of other plants.
But I had a skin cancer on my nose, which would form the ususl scaly top, which I then in turn would pull off, because I thought it was unsightly; never went to the GP to see about having it removed, as I was more scared of them ” cutting of my nose”. I decided however to try this sap on my nose. Well the skin around the area blew up red and puffy during the night, but had subsided by the end of the following day, due to my sensitivity I think. The skin cancer developed a blister, which then burst, and a scab was formed after a couple of days. the scab fell off within the week. And what do You know. I have not sighted the skin cancer since, and Dov tells me I have no skin cancer on my nose. I have a very very faint scar where it was, but hey it worked. I would be careful going overboard with this “natural ” treatment. And i am no doctor, but I am just glad the skin cancer went away.
Hi..Thought I’d jump in as well with my story.
I had a couple of skin cancer spots appear on my chest area (being a stupid sun worshiper in my teenage years) and a friend from Queensland, Australia told me about the sap from the radium weed which grows just about everywhere in this country. Lucky for me the skin cancer wasn’t a dangerous one.
I put the sap straight on to the spots for about 4 nights in a row. The sap ate through the cancer spots, did weep a bit but then developed scabs just like a normal sore and then healed right up. No sign of the cancer spots now.
I was really amazed. I have two small scars but my skin has returned basically to normal. I am definately singing the praises of this weed and will recommend it to others. Although if the cancer is a dangerous one I do not know if the radium sap is enough to kill it off, depends on how deep it is in the skin I suppose. Regards,Tarielle
Re: Radium weed and skin cancer…
“But I had a skin cancer on my nose, which would form the ususl scaly top, which I then in turn would pull off, because I thought it was unsightly; never went to the GP to see about having it removed, as I was more scared of them ” cutting of my nose”. I decided however to try this sap on my nose. Well the skin around the area blew up red and puffy during the night, but had subsided by the end of the following day, due to my sensitivity I think. The skin cancer developed a blister, which then burst, and a scab was formed after a couple of days. the scab fell off within the week. And what do You know. I have not sighted the skin cancer since,”
I would be most surprised if this was a melanoma (the most dangerous skin cancer), or even the lesser two (BCC or SCC), but would suspect by your description that it is a solar keratosis. In which case several treatments might work, the most common being to use dry ice to freeze it, where it does just as you have described. I have also known people to use milk thistle sap, which also works for warts. What would worry me is using an untested product on what might be a real cancer without getting it diagnosed because if it doesn’t work, you have wasted valuable time. Trish
I’ve used it on a skin cancer on my ear which was confirmed by my doctor. Worked exactly as I have heard it does so many times. Was painful for a few days. But ended up healing perfectly and the cancer has never returned. A Qld based medical researcher studied it and now there is a product one can buy Google radium weed courier mail or abc. As you can imagine, the ‘cancer industry’ will do whatever they can to suppress something they make no profit from and cannot control. I remember hearing to that if the sap or active ingredient is inject via needle into a tumour, it kills the tumour from the inside out. Very easy to grow it out here in QLD, Australia.
$14 PER 10 SEEDS or 100 SEEDS @ $100 + ADD $4 P/POST TO THE ORDER. Radium weed salve is now also available $28.Add $20 p/p
A salve is being prepared now that contains approx 90% radium weed in a base of organic pure coconut oil that will make it easier to use & apply. Register your interest below if you wish to be notified when salve is available for purchase with no commitment to buy whatsoever
Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE