This part of the actual mother plant from which the plants I sell you will come from

Myriophyllum crispatum or related species.Nick-name MYRIO FOXTAIL

The Water Milfoil is an ideal plant for the aquarium. Though they do require good light they’re not overly particular about the composition of the water and they can withstand great fluctuations in temperature

Members of the genus Myriophyllum are popular aquarium plants and the aquatic species of Water Milfoil have found their way into hobbyists tanks for generations.

It is one of the many aquarium plants sold under the name “Foxtail”.

This part of the actual mother plant from which the plants I sell you will come from. The feature plant in this posting is also the main mother plant from which you will buy from

The delicately cut green or red foliage of the Water Milfoil is surprisingly hardy. This plant prefers strong light but is usually willing to compromise on this. It is an excellent plant for filling in gaps in the aquascape as it will adapt to many conditions. Water Milfoil will probably tolerate colder temperatures than any aquarium fish.

Water Milfoil can easily reach the surface of most aquariums. When it does this, snip off the top 1/3-1/2 of the plant and replant. This plant is also a must for breeding tanks as an egg site or fry refuge. Aquarium gravel is a perfectly acceptable substrate for this plant as roots are primarily anchors. Be sure to plant the stems separately to allow them to root.

The only problem that is encountered with this beauty is its tendency to trap debris. This can be easily solved by occasional gentle shakes to free debris. Alternatively, place the Water Milfoil near the suction or current of a filter. As with most plants, occasional fertilization would be appreciated.

Myriophyllum (water milfoil) is a genus of about 69 species of freshwater aquatic plants, with a cosmopolitan distribution. The center of diversity for Myriophyllum is Australia with 43 recognized species (37 endemic).

ANOTHER FORM OF Myriophyllum

These submersed aquatic plants are perhaps most commonly recognized for having elongate stems with air canals and whorled leaves that are finely, pinnately divided, but there are many exceptions.

ANOTHER FORM OF Myriophyllum

For example, the North American species M. tenellum has alternately arranged scale like leaves, while many Australian species have small alternate or opposite leaves that lack dissection. The plants are usually heterophyllous, leaves above the water are often stiffer and smaller than the submerged leaves on the same plant and can lack dissection.

ANOTHER FORM OF Myriophyllum

Plants are monoecious or dioecious, the flowers are small, 4(2)-parted and usually borne in emergent leaf axils. The ‘female’ flowers usually lack petals. The fruit is a schizocarp that splits into four (two) nutlets at maturity.

ANOTHER FORM OF Myriophyllum

The fruits and leaves can be an important food source for waterfowl, which are thought to be an important source of seed and clonal dispersal.

Yes I also have these sterile terra cotta pots you can use to place your aquarium plants with soil & stones to help make a feature plant $9 each

Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE

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Author: Henry