Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe seeds 4 sale here online Australia $15

Brush Apple Syzygium australe Other names: Creek Satinash
FRUIT X 10 FOR SALE, $1.50 each. Add $10 for pack/post up to 100 fruits.
Seeds are currently limited. I have also some plants for sale As they grow they will increase in price. Shortly they will be going into 45 litre grow bags & become $55-$78-$138–$168 & $248 plants etc.So get them now early.

Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe

Plants & seeds available at this point.

Seeds & small plants can be posted for an extra charge.

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The Brush Cherry/Apple is a not so common widespread tree species growing in a range of different forest types including rainforests and can reach a height of 25m or more. in the wild.

Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe

New growth in the densely foliated canopy will flush in salmon colours . Bark on mature specimens is brown in colour with a rough, flaky and fissured texture at the base of the trunk . Gorgeous white flowers bloom over summer and reach up to 2.5cm in diameter.

Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe

The edible fruit is; pink to red in colour, pear shaped, up to 25mm long and matures in autumn. It contains a single seed, which when squeezed will divide into multiple segments each capable of germinating.

Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe

Simple leaves with an opposite arrangement are; up to 7cm long (sometimes longer), varied in shape from obovate (reverse egg-shaped) to elliptic with entire margins, hairless, dark green, glossy on top, lighter green and shiny below, strong and firm in texture.

Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe

Leaf apex is short acuminate, base shape is cuneate. Venation featuring straight lateral veins and an intramarginal vein (a vein running parallel to the leaf edge) is only faintly visible.

Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe

Distribution: From the south coast of NSW to northern Qld..

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Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe
If I may add a note. I often enjoy a nightly drink with this beautiful OZ bush tucker cherry/apple with my beer, wine & special spirit mix.

If you like very sweet, then this is not for you. If you like fine wines, beers & luscious spirit concoctions, then go for it., what more can I say. ENJOY YOUR LIFE.NOW,..;I personally collected these. Things change daily.So ask me.

These Australian bush tucker plants LOOK TERRIFIC & TASTE AWESOME. Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe
Brush Cherry/Apple Syzygium Australe

Henry Sapiecha Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE

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Author: Henry