We the people demand release from bondage by the powers that be when so many of us little people are in the addictive clutches of taxing governments & profiteering corporations.They have rights. So have we.

Gumtree have good intentions in deleting my advert there on tobacco seeds & plants.By doing that, they are playing into the hands of the tobacco corporations & taxing governments.

We live on – selling the tobacco seeds & plants online in Australia HERE.

Gumtree are missing the point that we the people want to be freed from the addictive shackles of corporations & they should be supporting the peoples wishes.

In any case I will abide by the rules of Gum-tree & governments.

There is no law to my knowledge that prevents one from selling tobacco seeds or plants.The issue is not to sell processed tobacco products that will conflict with governments tax revenue in the tobacco industry.

‘Chop-chop ‘ as the market calls the home processed tobacco product is deemed to be illegal to sell, as is home brew beer & home distilled liquor for resale, but not illegal for ones own use. So be it with tobacco. ENJOY.

The tobacco items/products being offered for sale here on line in Australia are the seeds of the tobacco plant & small plants that can be posted.

The seeds are offered as tobacco plant flower heads that usually contain very tiny seeds of maybe 5 to 50 seeds per flower head. These tobacco flower heads are sold at $4 each for 5 heads=$20 & $4 pack/post to the order

Small plants can be posted as well as the seeds, so ask if interested.

I do not sell tobacco products or ‘chop-chop’ Enjoy growing your own tobacco & harvest at your leisure & free your self from tax & corporate slavery.

The original seed stock is said to be from the USA & deemed to be fine leaf Virginia strain

Henry Sapiecha
Any questions or if buying, contact me HERE